Your local Vero Beach Moose Lodge Family Center.
We are located at 226 43rd Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32968
Renewing Is Easy Online here, Or At The Lodge!
Vero Moose Lodge 1822 is always looking for new members. Here is some important info how.
A member can sign in a guest 2 times then that guest needs to become a member. Spouse can come with member but remember they can’t purchase drinks or play bar games unless they are a member too. A guest CANNOT buy any drinks, play any bar games, enter into weekly or monthly drawings. A guest CAN enter in 50/50 drawings of basket raffles, buy food with cash only. If a guest becomes a member than can use the receipt they receive to buy drinks, play bar games. Once registered in system (about 1 week) you can enter weekly and monthly drawings and use a credit card.
To become a member you a fill out an application at the Moose lodge. Anyone can sponsor you from the lodge. Dues are $45 with a one time $20 application fee. Or go to https://www.mooseintl.org and apply there. You can join the women of the moose for an additional $15. You can join the Moose Riders for an additional $15. You can join the men’s legionnaire for an additional $15.
The moose lodge is a great family place. We always welcome kids and have so many family events throughout the year. We have a pond in back we’re we encourage fishing with your kids. The moose is smoke free, no vaping inside. They have a big pavilion outside for smoking. Moose also has some great benefits members can use. Discounts on car rental, hotels, life insurance etc. Go to https://www.mooseintl.org to learn more.
The moose is always looking for volunteers in the kitchen and for events.
Hope everyone brings at least 1 guest and encourages them to join our friendly place
Message from the President
Hello everyone my name is Will Hartnett and I am honored and humbled to be president of moose lodge 1822 located here in Vero Beach. I would like to take this opportunity to share my views and the vision we have set forth for Vero Beach Moose Lodge . We strive to be the friendliest Lodge in town. We have been awarded the coveted premier Lodge award four years in a row which I am very proud of. Both the board of officers and myself are working very hard to make this the best place in Vero Beach.
I believe very strongly in the mission of the moose and we can’t do that without you all. I would like to encourage everyone that has not attended the new member orientation to make an effort to do so we share lotta information on the mission of the moose and expected roles that we all play. Our membership has grown significantly over the last few years so I know there’s a lot of new faces out there but remember there’s no strangers in the moose just people we have not met yet if you don’t recognize someone sitting next to you reach out shake hands and introduce yourself.
We run on volunteers. The workload that we place on our volunteers has increased significantly specially in the kitchen. And we very much appreciate everyone who does volunteer. Everybody has a God given talent if you would like to get more involved please please let us know where you would like to use your talents it can only make us better. That being said we have a volunteer to take over our website and keep it updated you’re reading this so you obviously have got there! Please feel free to pass information on to the webmaster or anyone on the board to be added to the website if you have some information.
I would like to remind everyone that we are a family center and we are very kid friendly so I’m asking everyone to please conduct yourself accordingly. Misbehaving or strong language will not be tolerated. Please conduct yourself like your at grandma‘s house And remember children must be accompanied by parent or guardian at all times. Thank you and hope to see you at the lodge God bless y’all ,
“Moose is an international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together and celebrating life.”
Moose International Office of Director General
The reasons we do what we do.
Mooseheart is a residential childcare facility, located on a 1,000-acre campus 38 miles west of Chicago. The Child City is a home for children and teens in need, from infancy through high school.
Moosehaven is a private membership retirement community located on the banks of the St Johns River, in the heart of Orange Park, Florida. With a full range of programs and services, Moosehaven provides seniors 65 and older a comfortable and secure retirement option. Residents enjoy the benefits of social interaction and support services within a residential community that has served members of The Moose since 1922.